Senegal releases main results of Annual Agricultural Survey 2020-2021
The opening ceremony was co-chaired by Younoussa Mballo, Technical Advisor at the MAER and Cheikh Thioune, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Representing the FAO Office in Senegal.
In his introductory remarks, Mr. Thioune praised DAPSA for the quality of the results achieved and recognized the fruitful collaboration between FAO and Senegal that will continue within the framework of the 50x2030 Initiative, for which FAO is coordinating the Data Production Component. Echoing these sentiments, Mr. Mballo praised the partnership with FAO, which allowed for the introduction of many innovations in the survey process ranging from the adoption of Survey Solutions (CAPI mobile collection platform) to dissemination on online platforms (Open Data, ANADS, DAPSA website) and methodological reinforcement. These improvements resulted in an opportunity for Senegal to strengthen the data-driven political decision-making process.
The 2020-2021 cycle of the EAA is part of the integrated agricultural survey program that Senegal has been implementing since 2017 with FAO support through the AGRISurvey program and which continues under the implementation of the 50X2030 Initiative. This edition was marked by the introduction of the rotating Production Methods and Environment (PME) module, through which a variety of data was collected on crop and livestock production techniques, as well as on environmental aspects of agricultural activity. Similarly, Senegal plans to include the Income, Labor and Productivity (ILP) module of the 50x2030 Initiative model in the 2021-2022 survey which will allow for the collection data needed to compute SDGs 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 5.a.1.
In addition to the data specific to the PME module, the EAA 2020-2021 collected data disaggregated by sex, including on the distribution of farmland and animal ownership. Specifically, the data collected revealed that more than 80 percent of plots are operated by men, and more than 2/3 of the animals are owned by the same. The full report is available at Rapport EAA 2020-2021_finale | Direction de l'Analyse, de la Prévision et des Statistiques Agricoles - DAPSA.
The workshop was also an opportunity for DAPSA to present the online dissemination tools of the survey’s data: the website (https:\ that releases the survey’s main report and other online dissemination platforms hosted by the National Agency for Statistics and Demography (ANSD) where users can find resources from previous survey rounds, including thematic tables ( and anonymized micro-data (Catalogue de données central).