Georgia Holds Workshop to Advance National Data Dissemination Agenda, Presenting Key Results from the GSAH 2022
On November 27, 2023, the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) organized a national dissemination workshop in Tbilisi to present key results from the Georgian Survey of Agricultural Holdings (GSAH) 2022. The workshop, organized with FAO support, was aimed at introducing several aspects of agricultural statistics production to data users, presenting new statistical outputs and sharing the achievements made under the 50x2030 Initiative.
In particular, Geostat shared the main results of the GSAH 2022, including important data for SDG 5.a.1(a) and 5.a.1(b), related to women's ownership and rights over agricultural land. Moreover, the results from the implementation of the Machines, Equipment and Assets (MEA) module were presented, providing important additional data on agricultural production.
Government officials, partners, representatives of farmer and sub-sectoral organizations, media and academia attended the meeting, which resulted in an important opportunity to reinforce partnership and links between data users and data producers.
The workshop also offered the chance to emphasize the importance of data accessibility by presenting the various dissemination tools used by Geostat and how these important resources can be accessed by users. The vast variety of databases and resources stemming from the agricultural survey rounds, made available for data analysis, and the general interest generated by the dissemination of these important data well reflect the progress made by Georgia in terms of data availability and data quality.
View the press release on this workshop from Geostat here.