Farmers working in a crop field

50x2030 Supports National Priorities in Cambodia through Data Use Trainings, Workshop

The 50x2030 Initiative Data Use component recently traveled to Cambodia to lead a two-day training session and provide technical assistance to staff from the Department of Planning and Statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). The purpose of the training was to support the development of knowledge products focused on specific agricultural commodities using Cambodia Agricultural Survey (CAS) 2021 data. These commodities, identified by MAFF in order to inform decision-making, include: rice, cashew nuts, maize, cattle and pigs. 15 analytical MAFF staff attended this training.

50x2030 then held a working session with a subset of MAFF staff who are in charge of the “Situation on Agricultural Production” report, which is submitted to the Cambodian Minister of Agriculture on a weekly basis. The new Minister requested enhancements to the report, including additional visualizations. In response to this request, 50x2030 and MAFF staff collaborated to create an automated prototype, managed by MAFF with technical assistance from the Data Use component.

Following the training and working session, the Data Use component of the 50x2030 Initiative also conducted a Data Awareness workshop aimed at demonstrating how the CAS data can be utilized to inform and guide decision-making in agriculture.

The workshop attracted more than 70 participants from 30 organizations, including high-level personnel from MAFF of Cambodia, National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Royal University of Agriculture and others. Several researchers, including a leading expert from MAFF and an IFAD representative, presented their work demonstrating the practical use of CAS data in their respective fields.



The Data Use component of the 50x2030 Initiative is led by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The 50x2030 Initiative focuses on improving country data by developing a fit-for-purpose, integrated and financially sustainable agricultural and rural survey program that fosters a culture of data use for decision-making to support agricultural sustainability and rural development, address food crises, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.