50x2030 Initiative Data Use Workshop In Uganda
Why a Workshop on Data Use?
To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, such as Zero Hunger, pursuing a roadmap that leaves no one behind, data is fundamental. Policy decisions need to be taken based on sound evidence. Although Uganda regularly produces and disseminates agricultural survey data and is considered as having a Medium Level Capacity based on the 50x2030 classification of countries, a recent Data Use Assessment conducted by 50x2030 has highlighted a number of constraints that impede an optimum level of data use for decision-making. In particular, awareness and access to data sources by key stakeholders could be improved, as well as the utility of current data formats.
To begin addressing these issues, a “Data Use Workshop” workshop jointly organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) organized on 6th July 2022 at the Serena Kigo Hotel in Kampala – Uganda. The workshop brought together 45 in-person and 30 online participants from 22 national and international organizations.1
Workshop Methodology and Outcomes
After a general presentation of the 50x2030 Initiative, the workshop participants were divided into three sub-groups (on Technical assistance, Capacity building, and Improving the Data Ecosystem) to discuss a potential action plan to address the constraints on data use that had been identified. At the same time, the sub-groups explored possible collaborative arrangements that could be put into place between MAAIF and other partners. The results of this workshop are being assembled as inputs into a work plan for Data Use activities in Uganda for 2022, and a set of priority actions to take place in 2023. The workshop offered an engaging space for experience sharing and learning.
The next step will be for IFAD to work together with MAAIF and the other stakeholders to review and implement the proposed data use activities for the rest of 2022 and all of 2023.
1the Andre Foods International (AFI); CBS Radio; the Cotton Development Organisation (CDO); the Diary Development Authority (DDA); the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC); the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO); the Female Journalists for Agriculture (FEJA); Gulu University; the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); Makerere University Kampala (MUK); the National Animal Genetic Resource Centre (NAGRIC); PATH-Uganda; the Research and Development Consultants (RESDEV); TGGY; the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC); the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS); the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA); the Uganda National Council of Science and Technology (UNCST); the Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFFE); the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); the World Bank (WB); and the 50x2030 Initiative.