©Benedicte Kurzen/NOOR for FAO / FAO


The 50x2030 Initiative will support 50 low- and lower-middle income countries from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and the Middle East and North in Africa (MENA); East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) and Central and South Asia; and Latin American and the Caribbean in gathering foundational agricultural and rural data from 2019 to 2030.

In FY2023, we will engage with 21 countries at various phases and stages, either implementing activities, planning their 50x2030 program or initiating formal partnership:  Armenia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda. Click below to read about the latest developments in our country engagements.

Latest country news

Click on the country name to discover activities

  • Capacity Development
  • Data Use
  • Program Planning
  • Research
  • Survey Activity


Workshop to present final results of the 2020 AGRIS survey and methodology.

Training on data use aimed at government officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, national agricultural research institutes, academia, and data journalists.

Documentation of the 2020 Agriculture Integrated survey, including DDI-metadata.

Training of enumerators.

Data collection for the last 2020 data collection round of the 2020 test (AGRIS).

Assessment of Data Dissemination Programme.

Technical training on the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)-metadata.


Field testing for the 2021 Cambodia Agriculture Survey (CAS).

Workshop to validate findings of the 50x2030 Data Use Team on the constraints to data use in Cambodia.

Publication of the Cambodian Inter-Census Agriculture Survey 2019 (CIAS 2019) ​​​​​​statistical results:

Released Cambodia Inter-censal Agriculture Survey 2019 (CIAS 2019) Report on the first large-scale survey of the agriculture sector since the Cambodia Agriculture Census in 2013.

A formal training on Data Preparation, Editing and Imputation was provided.

The CAS 2020 full data collection was completed.

FAO, National Institute of Statistics and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries organized the Training of Trainers for CAS 2020, with the aim of strengthening statistical capacity of government officials in collecting data for the upcoming 2020 national agricultural survey. The training was attended by more than 140 NIS and MAFF staff who will hold the function of data supervisors, field supervisors or juridical holding survey enumerators during the CAS 2020 survey.

Assessment of Data Dissemination Programme.

Development of Program Implementation Plan.

Data ecosystem mapping is underway which assesses how components of the ecosystem interact, and where enablers and constraints to data use exist. Stakeholders will use the findings of the mapping to inform data use activities.

The Cambodia Agricultural Survey (CAS) 2020 is ongoing with the data processing.


Data ecosystem mapping is underway.

Development of Program Implementation Plan.

Development of its Partnership Plan to Close the Agriculture Data Gap.

Fieldwork conducted for the Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey 2018/2019 (ESS): Microdata and documentation (including questionnaires, survey report, and Basic Information Document) are available here.


Training on data use aimed at government officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, national agricultural research institutes, academia, and data journalists.

Training on micro dissemination with a special focus on Statistical Disclosure Control.

Pilot test of the Production Methods and the Environment (PME) questionnaire.

Held a formal training on Data Preparation, Editing and Imputation.

Development of survey instruments for the Production Methods and the Environment (PME) rotating module.

Quarterly data collection round of 2021 Agricultural Production survey in April and July 2021.

Data collection for the Annual Production survey 2020.

Development of Program Implementation Plan.


5th Integrated Household Survey (IHS5) 2019/20 and Integrated Household Panel Survey (IHPS) data dissemination.

Fieldwork conducted for the Malawi Fifth Integrated Household Survey 2019-20 (IHS5): The microdata and documentation (including questionnaires, survey report, enumerator and supervisor manuals, and Basic Information Document) are available here.

Malawi Integrated Household Panel Survey 2019 (IHPS): Fieldwork begin in along with fieldwork for the IHS5. The microdata and documentation (including questionnaires, survey report, enumerator and supervisor manuals, and Basic Information Document) are available here.


Training on data use aimed at government officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, national agricultural research institutes, academia, and data journalists.


Training on data use aimed at government officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, national agricultural research institutes, academia, and data journalists.

Data collection for the Commercial Livestock Farm Survey.

Assessment of Data Dissemination Policies and Practices conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

Development of survey instruments and listing operations for the 2020 Commercial Livestock Farm Survey.


Presentation of the Enquete Agricole Annuelle (Annual Agricultural Survey) (EAA 2020-2021) survey report during a high lever stakeholder event. Outputs of the survey include:

First round of data collection for the Enquete Agricole Annuelle (Annual Agricultural Survey) (EAA) 2021-2022.

Development of Program Implementation Plan.

Began development of its Partnership Plan to Close the Agriculture Data Gap.

Enquete Agricole Annuelle (Annual Agricultural Survey) (EAA) 2020/21 - Data collection (1st and 2nd round).

Direction de l'Analyse, de la Prévision et des Statistiques Agricoles (DAPSA) completed the dissemination programme of  the EAA2017-2018 and EAA2018-2019 and advanced with the preparation of release outputs for the EAA 2019-2020, resulting in the publication of the following statistical outputs:


Tanzania National Panel Survey (NPS) 2020/21 fieldwork underway.

NPS 2021/22 preparation.


Presentation of the Annual Agricultural Survey (AAS) 2019/20 report findings and policy recommendations, based on the data collected during the AAS 2019/20.

Training of enumerators for the upcoming Uganda Harmonized and Integrated Survey (UHIS) 21/22. 

Completion of data collection phase of the Uganda data use assessment.

Training of enumerators and start of fieldwork.

Pilot for the Integrated Survey Program (ISP).

Development of Program Implementation Plan.

AAS 2018/19 - Preparation and release of statistical outputs (Data collection, processing and analysis for the AAS 2018/2019 was conducted under FAO’s AGRISurvey programme.):

  • The AAS 2018/19 full report is available here. The full set of tables included in the report has also been released in Excel format here;
  • Statistical tables, associated documentation and visualizations are available on the UBOS Open Data platform;
  • The AAS 2018/19 Anonymized Microdata File (Science Use File, SUF) and the associated documentation, including questionnaires and DDI-metadata (variable level documentation) are catalogued on the UBOS Microdata Archive. Click here to access microdata and survey documentation;
  • AAS 2018/19 survey documentation can be also accessed here.

Finalization of the Integrated Survey Programme (ISP) 2021/22 survey tools, enumerator manuals and data validation protocols.